
From our puppies that are raised in the house, with loving care, we carefully select the puppy that will match the individual needs and requirements of the new owner(s) in order to make sure that the fit is for a lifetime of enjoyment.
By the time the puppy leaves Lanvern Kennels it will have the tail cropped, dewclaws removed and the ears cropped, unless the new owner specifically requests that the ears are left au "naturel". The puppy would also have received at least one vaccination and been dewormed. A written guarantee is supplied at the time of sale.
Edmonton, Alberta
"Hi Fran,
We just wanted to thank you yet again for the time and care you give your puppies.
Ember has been amazing us everyday. She hasn't had an accident in the house, which we still cannot believe. She gives a little cry whenever she has to go outside, and without fail she goes right away. My parents were really impressed by how well adjusted she is. They came over for dinner on Friday night and despite having the puppy pen set up in the middle of the kitchen, Ember slept through the entire meal.
Durzo is adjusting more and more, and he now likes to sleep facing her kennel at night.
We made an appointment for Ember's second set of shots for April 16. We're excited to take her for walks in about a month and start to show her off to family and friends.
Thanks again for the excellent breeding program you have. Ember is a fantastic puppy and we couldn't ask for more.
Take care, Chris & Alena
~ Chris James Vincent ~
Port Alberni, BC
"Hi Fran
Marcus has fit in like a dream. The first night I got up with him just about every hour, but last night only 3 times and he has no problems going back into his crate at all. He lets us know when he needs to go outside also during the day. And he is the most socialized well adjusted little pup that I have had in many years. He walks on leash like he has been doing it for years and he just wants to interact with everyone he meets.
I spent the better part of the day outside with them yesterday as we finally had sun and warmth. Then when they were finished playing, Marcus and Geordie slept bum to bum on the deck with me as I read.
I truly am thankful that you entrusted me and Dennis with Marcus and believe me, I will NOT let you down. Take Care, Carole
~ Carole Walker ~
chilliwack, BC,
"Hello, I just wanted to write an compliment you on Oliver. I am a groomer/trainer in Chilliwack BC and Ken Worthington is my client. Oliver is an exceptionally beautiful and sound puppy, probably the nicest puppy I've groomed in 25+ years. Congratulations on your excellent breeding program. Regards, Pamela Cameron www.fiveoclockdog.net
~ Groomer ~
Calgary, Alberta
"Hi Fran and Yves,
"Lexi" is just the sweetest thing! She has settled in with us and has stolen our hearts! You were right when you said our "lives have changed forever." Lexi has the sweetest little personality and is always in the mood to play. We are very impressed with how well she sleeps in her kennel at night. We shut the lights off and say "night night" and she lie's down and goes to sleep, we won't hear a peep out of her until the morning.
She is always full of energy and loves to chase anything that moves. She had her first walk last night and loved it she is great on the leash! Lexi is a very smart girl she has already learned to "go get it", and "sit". She can also "shake a paw", but we are still working on shaking the other paw!
Fran we have to say that you truly do breed beautiful Bouviers.
Jessica, Rick and Lexi
~ Jessica and Rick ~
Canmore, AB
"We took Chilli home at 6mths old and she is settling into the house incredibly well. She is quiet and friendly when we have visitors come to the door - even 4 babbling l4 yr old girls!!!! We have been going for walks downtown every day getting used to noise construction crowds etc. As well Chilli has done some trail walks, she is a joy on the trail. All in all we could not be happier, she is smart, thoughtful and most of all wonderful company.
Some more feedback on the Princess, Sat night Caitline and friends were in the backyard with Chilli for a sleep out. I heard her bark once and noticed a fellow outside in the dark practising downstays with his dog, they stood at the end of our driveway for about ten minutes. I went out and Chilli was growling at the closed gate and keeping Caitlin in. Good dog she identified a threat and was taking care of her "herd". I thought it was a great response Thanks so much.
Cheers - Jock"
~ Jock, Barb and Caitlin ~
"Hi Fran
Oh my goodness....what a doll she is. We never heard a peep out of her the whole way. Stopped in Medicine Hat last night and she was a little timid in the hotel but that's to be expected. She slept on the bed with me. Left there this morning around noon and really took our time coming home. "Sage" was an absolute treasure to travel with. We stopped about every hour or so to let her out and to let her cool down...even tho we tried to keep the vehicle cool, she was hot with her beautiful fur coat!!!! We arrived home about 7:30 tonight and she's already eaten and is settling in nicely. My 18 yr old thinks she's just so gorgeous and huge!!! She's spent time exploring inside and out (a bit in the dark) had a little brush down and now we are getting ready for bed. She is sitting on my lap as I write this and sends you and Yves a big kiss!!!
Fran, I can't thank you enough for picking such a beautiful, sweet pup for me (well, for raising beautiful sweet pups!!!) I'm already planning my next one!!!!
So thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so happy to have found you and to meet you too!!! I will keep in touch."
~ Melanie Jackson ~
Calgary, Alberta
"Lanvern Kennels can be described in two simple words: The Best!
When it came time to begin looking for another Bouvier, we wanted to make sure that we would be getting the best of the best
and so the research began. It didnt take long after beginning researching and looking at results of past dog shows in Alberta that one name appeared in the winners circle more often than any others: Lanvern Kennels. We completed a puppy application, made contact and went for the initial visit which was as much for us to ensure we had chosen the right breeder as it was for Fran and Yves to ensure we were suitable owners. Weve never met another breeder who takes that much care in ensuring their dogs go to suitable homes.
That first meeting went fantastic! To be surrounded by all those Bouviers was almost more than one can absorb and exhilarating all at the same time. Our children were in their glory while being showered with affection from the dogs currently in the house. Witnessing how all her children recognize and react to Frans voice was simply amazing. Each one would instantly stop in their tracks if Mum called their name and come racing to her; nothing says love like that. Were happy to say that we passed the test and joined the Lanvern Family!
Thus began a journey of knowledge and the beginnings of a great friendship. Through the following months we were in constant contact while awaiting our new arrival. When Fran sent word of the litter birth we were ecstatic and anxious all at the same time. Would we be able to live up to what we witnessed during our visit? Would we be the suitable owners we hoped? Fran and Yves made that easy by openly sharing their vast wealth of knowledge of the breed and offering tips on their care. She answered all our email questions without reservation and kept us informed as to the puppys progress. We were beside ourselves when the day finally arrived to pickup our new boy.
His name is Jumping Jack Flash and he is everything we hoped for and more. Flash came home completely crate trained and ready to please. When he first met our children he showered them with kisses which has continued to this day. Flash is growing both is size and intelligence every day and continues to amaze us with his abilities. It is evident that his behavior is a direct result of the care and dedication which Fran and Yves put into their dogs. They are always available to answer any concerns we have and openly offer their advice, which we welcome and greatly appreciate.
As Flash grows and gets ready for the show ring, we know that Fran and Yves will be with us every step of the way. The friendship that started on that first visit will continue for a long, long time to come. We know that we made the right choice in Lanvern Kennels and thank Fran and Yves for their faith in including us in their family.
Rod & Tammie Sieben "
~ Rod & Tammie Sieben ~
Edmonton, Alberta
"Rosebud is keeping us very busy and providing us with lots of entertainment! Today she discovered the sprinkler, got soaked, realized she was wet and took off under the clematis vine, emerging with fluffies stuck to her from head to toe! She loves her yard and her favorite pastime is rolling in the soft grass or spending time chewing her bone in the screened porch. Among her favorite toys is her 'dirty rotten kitty' and her stuffed buffalo (perhaps because it reminds her of herself!) She is also becoming an avid gardener - wrestling with the hose and sticking her face in the plant pots. She helps her owners Michelle and Patrick pick tomatoes -and sometimes picks things that don't necessarily need picking! Fran and Yves have done such a fabulous job - Rosebud is very smart and at only 11 weeks old already 'sits' on command and also 'sit stays' - then she comes running for her treat! We love her and she has a very special place in our hearts! We are looking forward to sharing our lives with her! -
Michelle Lennie and Patrick Colby "
~ Michelle Lennie & Patrick Colby ~
Edmonton, Alberta
"Hi Fran - my pup is awesome...the best dog I have ever had..we ended up calling him Bear, anyway Bear has been to the Yukon, to the West Coast and to abvout 4 competitive trail rides, his shots went well.
I love my pup, thanks so much for the great breeding programme you have
~ Holly Tibble ~
Calgary, AB
""Quincy" is such a sweet dog. He sleeps the night through now from ll until 7, he has a bold, brave little personality. Even when he sees something new, he checks it out even though he is a little conmcerned about it. He is not timid. Quincy and the grandchildren do VERY well together. All day yesterday he was with them in our backyard. He played with his toys (and sometimes theirs..Ha!!) while they did their own thing but stopping once in a while to pet him etc.,
Thanks you so much for everything. All the information and knowledge you shared with us on the day we picked him up was SO helpful...and, as time goes on, thank you for being SO available for questions and further advice! He is a happy little guy and has adjusted so well to his new home.
We enjoyed meeting you and learning all about your wonderful dogs. We look forward to keeping "in touch" and, as Quincy grows and matures, we will continue to update you regarding his "accomplishments"."
~ Rich & Edie Bonnett ~
Edmonton, Alberta
"We had a good trip home. Khan slept most of the way home stretched out beside me on the back seat. Just before the outskirts of Edmonton we stopped at the rest stop and he had a pee and some water.
Once we were home I let him check out his new surroundings and settle in a bit, after which he ate some food and had some water.
Just want to thank you so much - he is absolutely wonderful and beautiful, will keep you updated. Thanks again.
Luanna and James
~ James and Luanna ~
edmonton, AB
"We first came across Fran in April 07 while searching for bouvier breeders. Out of all the breeders we approached, Fran was the one most willing to answer questions and share her wealth of knowledge/experience about the breed.
We were able visit Fran and Yves and meet their dogs. What we saw simply amounts to bouvier heaven. The dogs live in harmony on a large acreage property with an immaculately kept kennel building. There are large outdoor runs and fenced areas where there is plenty of room for the dogs to run, romp and play in safety. Several of the dogs are always living in the house and this gets rotated so they all get a turn.
As the dogs were brought to greet us, they would race towards Fran to say hello and shower her with affection. Dogs that are so ecstatic to see their owner speaks volumes to the care and love that they have been brought up with and receive. As the dogs approached us they all had wonderful temperaments and qualities that we found endearing.
Several weeks ago a fabulous pup, weve named Cayenne, came into our lives. She came to us almost totally crate/house trained and she is familiar with the grooming process. She is an eager to please puppy with a great temperament. It didnt take her long to learn a few basic commands or the routine of the household.
Fran has been available for any concerns we have had to date and it doesnt take long to get a question answered or a small problem tackled before it turns into something huge.
Thanks Fran and Yves for all the care and nurturing you put into all your dogs and puppies. It definitely shows. We look forward to continuing our journey with you as Cayenne grows and we know youll be there for us every step of the way.
Sylvia & Gilles "
~ Gilles and Sylvia ~
Winnipeg, Manitoba
"I thought you might be interested in hearing about "Guinnes's". progress so far. He has turned out to be quite a delight with excellent temperement and is fitting in very well to the household routines. "
~ Dr. Wayne Kepron ~
Rochester, N.Y
"I met Fran over 25 yrs ago. We saw Fran Verner's bitch "Lady" and she was the most beautiful Bouvier I have ever seen. We were new to showing, and was not doing really great at the grooming thing, Fran was kind enough to help with a few groomng tips. After meeting her I knew when it was time to breed that there would be nobody else to got to but Lanvern. When the time came, we drove up to Toronto, and there met her other dogs, I was so impressed by their beauty, confirmation, great coats and superb temperement, - I was in Bouvier Heaven!!!
Fran and I have been friends for many years, she breeds for quality, confirmation, great top lines, movement to die for, great coats. You can't ask for anything more. Her dogs are loving and smart. Her lines keep getting better, that is what Lanvern stands for.
Our recent pup "Electra" is one of the smartest pups I have ever had. She is not only beautiful and promises to be a great show dog but is very outgoing and, at 3 mths old, shows the intelligence of a much older pup. She came housebroken which seems unbelievable, and you could not ask for a more loving pup. I look forward to many years with her.
You can's ask for a better breeder. Lanvern stands behind all their dogs. Fran is always there if you have any questions. . She keeps in touch with her puppy buyers, - she is the best!!!
I owe all my great dogs to her, that is the only Kennel I would go to. Hats off to a great breeder and friend."
~ Sharon Aceto and Frank Welton ~
""Jag" in one word - PERFECT in every way. I have waited years on finding the right mentality in a Bouvier and we received a bonus as "Jag's" conformation is impecable. Anything introduced to him he accepts. He loves the Yorkies and plays gently with them.
By the way he came one hundred percent house trained as he has yet to make a mistake. LANVERN KENNELS is #1 in our books!!!!!
Quick update on Jag who is now 7mths old - he herds naturally, and believe me I have gone through 6 stock dogs and Jag was the most natural to adapt, and by far the gentlest, he pushes with his front shoulder and has never even tried to bite Livestock or the "Yorkies".
NEWS FLASH - Jag has now passed his HIC "
~ Cassandra Robak ~
Rocky Mtn House, Alberta
"Fran - In the future I will send you updates about how wonderful he is. I am so very proud of him, he really is my third child, although better behaved than my people kids...lol. Actually he seems to calm my little boy (Oliver) down. He used to have an aversion to dogs and I walked in on him cuddled right up to Wilson on my bathroom floor it was so sweet. Thank you, as always.
Just to let you know how our Prince is doing. He is now 97 lbs and l4mths old, and an absolute angel. Everyone, even people in our extended family have embraced him as a member of our family. We haven't worked him with the cattle yet. Instinctually however, this summer, during a cattle break out and me being 6 mths pregnant...Willson took over and rounded up 50 head on his own. My husband laughed and said "worth every pennie right there". Thank you Fran again for him."
~ Cindy Forsyth ~
Armstrong, BC
"Hi Fran, Boca is doing great, eating like a little pig. Its like she has always been part of our family. She is pretty much house-trained and has learned to sit and lay down. She loves to go for short walks and to the park to play. Fran this puppy is unbelievable for her age. She loves to play with me but as soon as I am tired she just lies down and sits beside me. She loves her crate and goes in our room even during the day when she is tired. I just leave the door open for her to go in and out. I really want to show her. I just cant tell you how much we love her. She is so cool. Thanks Donna December 4/07 I have not emailed in a while and just wanted to drop you a line just to thank you again for Boca. She is doing awsome and we love her to pieces. She has grown up really nice. She is definitely my dog as I can't even go to the bathroom without her at my side. She is not just my dog Fran she is my best friend, I took her camping for a week last July with the horses and we rode for hours everyday with Boca trailing right along beside me. She is awsome with my horses and at the horse shows. She really loves to travel with me. Thank you for trusting us with one of your dogs. "
~ Donna Boyce ~
Toronto, Ontario
"We welcomed Fozzie into our home in May 2005. She is an absolute delight. Because we were in Ontario, and the puppies were born in Alberta, we described the personality of bouv we were looking for. We really wanted a dog who was friendly, easy-going and loving. Fran picked a dog for us that was better than anything we could have ever dreamed. We can't take Fozzie for a walk without being stopped by people commenting on how beautiful she is. Then, once we've stopped and people get a chance to see her wonderful personality, they just rave about what a great dog she is!
Bouviers have a bad rep for being overly assertive and dominant dogs. But every single one of Fran's dogs that I've met (and I've met quite a few) are just the most lovely dogs. They have wonderful, wonderful personalities. Loving, friendly and smiling all the time.
Also as first time dog-owners, we had a million and one questions. It gave us such piece of mind to know Fran was a phone call or email away (and she responds like lightening!), and that she was always happy to help. When we were going through the process of getting Fozzie, it was obvious that Fran cares tremendously for her dogs, and we knew that we could rest assured we were getting a dog of top quality from a caring home.
We feel so fortunate to have such an incredible dog. I would recommend a Lanvern bouvier in a heartbeat - no matter what province you're in. "
~ Kevin & Shiyamala Ramdas ~
Calgary, Alberta
"It was in 1997 when we decided a Bouvier would be a great addition to our home and the search began, after attending dog shows and a few local sightings it became apparent these dogs werent easy to find or get. I had the good luck to meet a lady with a beautiful Bouv who lived nearby, he came from Lanvern and his name was Chewey. I called Fran and Yves the same day and arranged for a visit to their home to see if we were suitable to own a Bouv. When I arrived the acreage gate was open and I walked around to the back of the house into the middle of about 10 Bouvs, I was pretty sure I was dead but they surrounded me and jostled for the best position to check me out and get some head scratches. I was so impressed at how well tempered the dogs were and their confidence with people, when Yves popped around the corner I felt I had already made a lot of new friends. We passed the test and I recall how intent Fran was with ensuring we really wanted a Bouv even telling us to read the Reasons you do not want to own a Bouvier. What started out as just Mandy soon became home for our second Bouv Magnum a few months later. The dogs have been a joy, we have had minimal health issues over our nearly 9 years of ownership and have never had any issues of pet ownership that often seem to happen with large dogs in a big city. Fran and Yves are wonderful resources for any questions or sickness that invariably happen over a lifetime. They love the animals and keep track of all of their new owners who share the good fortune to own a Lanvern Bouv . We highly recommend Lanvern for temperament, good health, great looking character dogs and outstanding breeder support. When the sad day comes to say goodbye to our Bouvs I know that Fran will be there to help us and hopefully match us up with another wonderful family member or two. "
~ Bunny and Dale McLean ~
Calgary, Alberta
"Fran's integrity for breeding great Bouvier's is evident in the puppies she sells. We have had 3 Bouvier's and the one we recently purchased from Fran has a fabulous temperment, (happy, fun loving, non aggresive), very healthy and a wonderful pet. Fran puts the health, welfare and well being of the puppy first and foremost when making decisions about new homes for her puppies, advice on feeding, sleeping, shots or any other matter involving your Bouvier. We would certainly not hesitate to recommend Lanvern Kennels and would purchase another Bouvier from her in the future."
~ Dr. Peter and Tish Jepp ~
Toronto, Ontario
Oh my god - he is absolutely stunning - pick up was fine - he was very sleepy - took him home let him walk around outside - stretch etc - he went pee and poo, drank some water and had a little snack of food. We introduced him to our dogs - he is a very big hit - what a character - he reminds me of Major when he was a puppy - but with much more character - our son Max and him hit it off - we are calling him Frankie - Frankie follows Max everywhere - Randy is staying home with him today - Thank you thank you thank you, I will send some pictures soon."
~ Andrea Clarke ~